
The Homes For All collective has come together to empower our local community through educational workshops regarding affordable housing in both Lake Forest and in South Orange County. These workshops have been attended by local community members and non-profit organizations who are enthusiastic to become involved in advocating for the building of more affordable housing in our communities

In October, the first workshop fostered an environment for meaningful community engagement in discussing the lack of affordable housing opportunities in Orange County, specifically in Lake Forest, California. Community members of various backgrounds successfully convened to gain a deeper understanding of what the advocacy landscape in south Orange County looks like. The workshops were led by experts in the field who shared their urban planning and land use knowledge. The presentation sparked questions that led to insightful dialogue.

In November, the second workshop was another successful meeting for community members to continue to expand their knowledge on affordable housing advocacy and development. New faces were in attendance and the number of enthusiastic residents increased. As the workshop concluded, the Homes for All collective is excited for the next, upcoming meeting in January.

In December, the Homes For All holiday luncheon provided the opportunity for community members to get together and foster a stronger sense of unity and connection. With an atmosphere of camaraderie, food was shared, games were played, and community members were able to demonstrate their learned housing knowledge. This luncheon was a memorable celebration as it was a great opportunity for community members to further develop meaningful interactions with one another.

In January, our third successful workshop about policies impacting affordable housing provided a platform for open discussions, allowing community members to share personal experiences and insights. Those in attendance gained a deeper understanding of the existing policies, potential challenges, and innovative solutions. The workshop fostered a sense of unity and empowerment among attendees, inspiring them to actively advocate for positive changes in affordable housing policies. This successful workshop exemplifies the transformative power of community engagement in shaping policies that address the crucial issue of affordable housing.

In January, Homes For All held its fourth workshop revolving around advocacy and community organizing. This workshop was a great way to put into practice all the knowledge gained throughout the series and learn how to apply it into each attendee's community through demystifying advocacy myths, learning how to make a public comment, and familiarizing oneself with their elected city representatives. As this was the last workshop of the series, the Homes For All coalition is excited for the upcoming Mountain View affordable housing apartment complex tour.

To celebrate the end of the Homes For All workshop series, we toured the Mountain View affordable apartments in Lake Forest to see what dignified affordable housing should like. Following the tour, it was great being able to spend time chatting, laughing, and eating together. 

Community members who attended the Homes For All holiday luncheon